MEERkunst Wijchen van start

27 juni tot en met 27 september

MEERkunst Wijchens starts On de 15th of june we placed my sculpture 'Wings Imagined' in the Wijchens lake in the frame of 75 years of freedom. This exhibition was made possible by the subsidy of the Mondriaan foundation, the Prins Bernard foundation and several municipalities. 13 sculptors made very personal en original sculptures about this theme. A walking route of 7 km is to make along this work. Maps are available on several spots in Wijchen. This exhibtion takes to the 28 th of september. On de 25th of juli there will be a exhibition with more work of the 13 sculptors in Kunsthuis Wijchen, Kasteellaan. This exhobition end on the 9th of august

On de 25th of juli there will be a exhibition with more work of the 13 sculptors in Kunsthuis Wijchen, Kasteellaan. This exhobition end on the 9th of august

'Wings Imagined' scooped steel, slumped and stained glass, height 2.10 m x 3.20 lenght
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